How to build a PHP Donut chart

Create your first PHP Donut chart with Dashboard Builder

PHP Donut Chart

A donut chart is essentially a Pie Chart with the centre area removed.The Dashboard Builder, which does not require any programming skills, is the simplest way to create a Donut chart in PHP. The following is how to generate PHP code for a Donut chart using the Dashboard Builder.


  • PHP Version 7.2 or later
  • Apache 2 or later
  • Windows 7 or later /Linux 3 or later
  • Firefox 52, Chrome 57, IE 8


Create your first Dashboard

Welcome Screen

  • Now Click the Database icon

  • The screen below will appear. Choose Database from the data source tab. Select SQLite from the Database drop down list, enter "../data/Northwind.db" in the DB name field, and save changes as shown in the screen below.

Select your Database

  • When your database is successfully connected, a green tick mark with a Database icon will appear.

Dashboard Preference

  • Select the gear icon for your Dashboard preference.

Database Connected

  • The following screen will appear. List of the tables will appear.

Chart Preference

  • In the text box, type your SQL statement.

SELECT strftime('%Y-%m',o.shippeddate) as xaxis, sum(d.quantity) as yaxis from `order details` d, orders o where o.orderid = d.orderid group by strftime('%Y-%m',o.orderdate) limit 50

  • Click the Run Query button

SQL Statement

  • The query result will be displayed. Now choose your x-axis data from the X drop down list and your y-axis data from the Y drop down list.
  • Choose Line chart from the type drop down menu.
  • Click the Save Changes button.

SQL Query Result

  • Charts will be appeared on the screen as shown below.

Chart Preference

  • Now, expand the Generate button and select PHP Code. The PHP code for the chart will be generated automatically; you can copy and paste this code into your PHP application.

Chart Preference

  • PHP code for the chart will automatically generate, you may copy and paste this code to your PHP application.


PHP Code

 * DashboardBuilder
 * @author Diginix Technologies
 * Support  -
 * @copyright (C) 2018
 * @version 2.1.7
 * @license: license.txt

include("inc/dashboard_dist.php");  // copy this file to inc folder 

// for chart #1
$data = new dashboardbuilder(); 
$data->type =  "line";

$data->source =  "Database"; 
$data->rdbms =  "sqlite"; 
$data->servername =  "";
$data->username =  "";
$data->password =  "";
$data->dbname =  "data\Northwind.db";
$data->xaxisSQL[0]=  "SELECT strftime(^%Y-%m^,o.shippeddate) as xaxis, sum(d.quantity) as yaxis from `order details` d, orders o  where o.orderid = d.orderid group by strftime(^%Y-%m^,o.orderdate) limit 50";
$data->xaxisCol[0]=  "xaxis";
$data->yaxisSQL[0]=  "SELECT strftime(^%Y-%m^,o.shippeddate) as xaxis, sum(d.quantity) as yaxis from `order details` d, orders o  where o.orderid = d.orderid group by strftime(^%Y-%m^,o.orderdate) limit 50";
$data->yaxisCol[0]=  "yaxis";
$data->name = "linechart";
$data->title = "Line Chart";
$data->orientation = "";
$data->xaxistitle = "x-axis title";
$data->yaxistitle = "y-axis title";
$result[0] = $data->result();


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<script src="assets/js/dashboard.min.js"></script> <!-- copy this file to assets/js folder --> 
	<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/bootstrap.min.css"> Bootstrap CSS file, change the path accordingly --> 


<div class="container">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading"></div>
    <div class="panel-body">
        <?php echo $result[0];?>



The project also provides both free and paid plans. The Dashboard Builder code is available on GitHub under this license.

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