sundar created the topic: Unable to create new or open dashboard
I have installed on-premises free version of php dashboard just today. After the tour on help, I tried clicking new, open, connect database no action is fired after that. Am I missing something?
2 years 7 months ago - 2 years 5 months ago#41by george
george replied the topic: Unable to create new or open dashboard
Most likely you are missing the prerequisite. Make sure that:
- allow_url_fopen is enable e.g allow_url_fopen = On in php.ini
- SimpleXML extension is installed and enabled
- OpenSSL extension is installed and enabled
- PDO drivers such as MySQL and SQLite are installed
- Read-Write permission to folders and sub-folders of dashboardbuilder i.e chmod -R 777 dashbboardbuilder-v55-FREE
If you believe you have already completed the prerequisites and are still experiencing the same issue, please share your phpinof() details with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further investigation.